Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Nude Year!

Well, not exactly, but one of my major goals is to be a little happier about the Bod. And so far so good! I've lost about 7 pounds in the past two weeks, by simply following these four rules; No Dairy, No Sugar, No Red Meat, No Alcohol. And I have knocked down my caloric intake quite a bit. And started exercising a little more consistently. OK, there's no magic answer for losing weight, and after two weeks of chopping veggies and hunting down fresh fish, I have already begun to grow a little restless. I tried the pomegranate mousse cheesecake we are offering on the Valentine's Day Menu this weekend. Twice. It was worth it! I just don't know how these really skinny girls do it, and frankly I don't care. I love food. And absence makes the heart grow FRIGGIN' HUNGRY! Great, it's 11:30 at night and I've started thinking about food again. It's funny, this LA mentality has me convinced my weight is something I need to worry about. Back in Atlanta they would be chasing me with buckets of sausage gravy. Oh Wow... Sausage gravy...and hashbrowns. With chicken fried steak and two eggs over medium... STOP! STOP!!


ablebody said...

go to in-n-out burger.
order the flying dutchman.
thank me later.

stacey said...

yeah, this is the city where you can't take 2 steps in a parking lot without tripping over chicken wing bones. lady, put down the wheatgrass and eat an effin grilled cheese!

Anonymous said...

Does it get any better? Count me in next summer!